We're hackers, and we are good-looking. We are the 1%.


Don’t let behemoth get the better of you.

Behemoth is a wargame that has been rescued from the demise of intruded.net, previously hosted on behemoth.intruded.net. Big thanks to adc, morla and reth for their help in resurrecting this game!

What follows below is the original description of behemoth, copied from intruded.net:

Difficulty:     3/10
Levels:         9
Platform:   Linux/x86

Anders Tonfeldt

Special Thanks:

This wargame deals with a lot of regular vulnerabilities found commonly 'out 
in the wild'. While the game makes no attempts at emulating a real environment
it will teach you how to exploit several of the most common coding mistakes 
including buffer overflows, race conditions and privilege escalation.

Behemoth’s levels are called behemoth0, behemoth1, … etc. and can be accessed on behemoth.labs.overthewire.org through SSH on port 2221.

To login to the first level use:

Username: behemoth0
Password: behemoth0

Data for the levels can be found in /behemoth/.
